The round metal medicine FU&* YOU pill box has had a rather low key launch by my standards 😆 I only brought a few to try out, but I only have one left so I’ve ordered in a new batch as the response to them has been positive. As I hoped, they can be sent out as a large letter on Royal Mail, which means each box raises around £3.50 to £4.00 for Cancer Research UK. I think the phrase more than speaks for itself. If you know you know x They are practical and would make a lovely affordable gift for someone, or of course a nice treat for yourself x
Tonight I began the process of introducing the tracks off the Fields of Dawn album. There are 11 tracks on the album and over the coming weeks I will write about each song and how it came about and was put together. These posts will be on social media as opposed to this blog, but if you like what you are hearing please pre-order the album. Every order increases the amount of money I am raising for Bowel Cancer UK, Love Hope Strength and The Bowel Movement x
Finally, a quick update on Prince. He continues to do so well after surgery on Monday. He went back to the vets today for his post operation check up, and the vet was really pleased with him and he is healing nicely. One final appointment next week to check him over and then that should be it x