Over the last few months I’ve noticed a lump in my testicles. To start with, I had those classic feelings of wanting to ignore it and hope that it would go away. A few weeks ago I had an appointment with my doctor to get a referral for me to have a mole on my lip removed privately for aesthetic purposes. Well that didn’t go quite to plan as my doctor suspects it might be a slow growing cancer, so I am currently on a non-urgent waiting list to have that removed on the NHS. At the same time she checked my testicles, but couldn’t detect any lump. However, I think she knew that I was sure there was something there and she said she would refer me for an ultrasound scan, but it might get turned down. I was pleasantly surprised when an appointment came through very quickly and that was for today.
So at 8.00 this morning I had my scan at The Royal Berks in Reading. The radiographer was really nice and was able to tell me what she could see on the images. Yes there is a lump which in layman’s terms is most likely a complex cyst. I will be referred to Urology and will most likely be monitored over the coming months. They tend to eventually disappear of their accord. So, hopefully it is nothing sinister and I remain in good health.
I suppose what I take from today is that message of knowing your own body, and fortunately I had a GP who didn’t fob me off and got me the scan. She was also the one who prescribed my anti-depressants last year along with the CBT therapy.
There was a time when I would always buy at least one Arsenal shirt each season. Back in the long distant past I used to wear football shirts to work! I do remember on one occasion we gained a bit of business as a result. These days I might occasionally wear my Arsenal scarf to work. Anyway this season Arsenal have this pink top as their 3rd strip and I am definitely a fan of the colour pink these days. So, a little treat to myself and I even decided to go for a large size as opposed to the normal baggy XL I am prone to order for myself. Suits you sir!