
Up until I began Fields of Dawn a couple of years ago, I’d only ever been in one band. In 1985 I joined The Majority. The band had come out of the ashes of another band called The Factory. I knew Lewis (vocals) and Rich (bass) from school and we were all mixing in the same social group. Ad was the drummer, who over the last 37 years has become one of my best mates. Pat (keyboards) made up the line up. Stu took over on keyboards after Pat left the band.

There were many things that we did wrong. For instance, Lewis booking us a gig without telling us, and his old man getting a call from the venue asking where we were! 🤣 However, the one thing we couldn’t be faulted on was our dedication to rehearsals. We became pretty tight, although sadly we never played enough live gigs, which was once again our own fault. However, we did get on the bill for Maidenhead Live Aid and totally smashed it! Our legendary Christmas gigs at The Five Horseshoes outside Henley were brilliantly supported by our friends and gave the bar its highest gig takings all year! We had some decent songs in the locker and managed to record a couple of tracks on an old Tascam 4-track reel to reel recorder I bought. Ultimately we lacked focus and Ad quite rightly wanted to push on. When he joined Easter Monday it spelled the end of The Majority.

Moving forward to the late 1990s myself and Ad recorded an album together using my work warehouse and a Tascam 4-track Portastudio. I’m In The Mood… was the debut album from The Majority. This was right at the start of the digital age and long before online shopping, streaming and mainstream download services came along, so we only had limited ways of getting it out there.

Now, in 2023, myself and Ad are bringing The Majority back after over 20 years. We both have our other musical projects going, but modern technology allows us to work remotely, and we can revisit some of the old songs, but write some new songs too hopefully. We have a group you can join and follow on Facebook and hopefully over the coming months there will be lots of stuff that we can all get excited about.

The old Majority angel has been resurrected and brilliantly redrawn and incorporated into our new logo courtesy of an amazingly talented American friend. I’m sure t-shirts will be on the agenda and the logo will hopefully be featured on any music releases fingers crossed.

The journey begins here…