This photo arrived in my inbox this morning from Monique (Life of Mique) Buckingham’s mum, Anne. The timing was perfect. I’d actually just got all my fundraising donations up to date, so I had been able to add a small amount to Monqie’s Go Fund Me page, as well as adding funds to the Bowelbabe Fund, the KindnessVsCancer fund and the Kelly (Kissasskell) Smith fundraising page.

Sometimes the message on a photo, no matter how simple, can just grab you. This was certainly one such case. Perhaps obvious, but this was certainly a reminder to me this morning, that I have reset and refocus a little of my energies inwardly when it comes to finding happiness. I have certainly been making massive progress recently, but also by facing up to some of the things that I have been struggling with like loneliness, it’s been a bit of a emotional rollercoaster recently. So I am going remind myself that Happiness is Homemade x

Happy Monday x