Today’s post was a toss up between kindness and loneliness. In the end I thought my thoughts on my loneliness can wait for another time, especially when I consider how many people are going through so much harder times than me.

The bad news on television and fed to us by the media is relentless. Everything points towards the end of the world. I haven’t watched the news since before Brexit! These last few years we have all been craving happiness and some good news. And there is so much kindness and wonderful people out there doing amazing things that is simply ignored by the mainstream media. Good news doesn’t sell???

One of the massive positives to come out of losing Mum to bowel cancer has not just been the wonderful friendships that I have made, but also witnessing so many people doing so much good for others. Many of the people doing these incredible acts are experiencing incredibly tough times themselves. I have been changed beyond recognition by these inspiring people x

It doesn’t matter what it is that you do, but let’s spread the little bits of good far and wide x