An update about Prince. He is booked in for a biopsy on the tumour tomorrow. This is done under a general anaesthetic, so it’s going to a big day for him, and no doubt a very anxious and worrying one for me. Ultimately Prince and his best interests will come first. I am of course hoping that the tumour turns out to be nothing cancerous, but I am prepared for whatever the news might be. I probably won’t know until the end of the week. He has had a nice day today and is currently snoozing by my feet. He is still wobbly on his legs, but once again I am hoping that the physio session he had yesterday will kick in and settlethings down. So much for the little man to be going through x

I’ve been delighted with the start of the pre-sale for the Fields of Dawn album. I will be pushing this quite heavily over the coming weeks. The three charities it is supporting. Bowel Cancer UK, Love Hope Strength and The Bowel Movement are all incredibly deserving charities. I think it’s a mighty fine album and worth a few quid of anyone’s money. So if you can spare some of your hard earned cash I’d be incredibly grateful. The album will hopefully be released in the autumn, it really all depends on how long the vinyls take. The t-shirts are made to order at a clothing supplier who ship direct for me and they are done within 24-48 hours x All profits raised by every sale are shared between the 3 charities x