This is my latest creation. A black tie printed with the poppy logo of my favourite band, The Alarm. This is not for any kind of fundraising project and just a one off I’ve made for myself, and is in fact for an outfit I am currently working on just for little old me. I am really pleased with how the tie has come out, and all will hopefully be revealed over the summer if I have the bottle to wear it!

I have been doing a lot of soul searching over recent months over the decline and in reality the loss of a friendship, which although I blame myself for losing, it is not my choice. These things can hit you hard and as much as I use the tools I picked up in my CBT sessions, it is hard for it not to make you feel sad for what has been lost. However, I believe that the best and strongest friendships will endure and get through the toughest of times and this friendship affirmation says a lot. So I am focussing on the friends that I do have, and there are many of them. I continue to make and meet new friends through the bowel cancer fundraising and raising awareness, and these friendships are bringing me so much happiness and joy, and they sit perfectly alongside the long standing friendships that I also treasure very much. Life is about living for the now and I cannot change the past. I hope that my future is full of love and happiness x