I don’t get too many visitors at home, but it’s always a welcome treat to have my brother come and stay. He now lives up in Leeds, so we don’t get together as often as we would like or that Prince would like for that matter! He has to go into London for work tomorrow morning, so it made sense to come and stay with me tonight. This of course meant that I also had to feed him, so spag bol it was and it was rather tasty if I say so myself 🤣 We then watched a film called The Courier starring Benedict Cumberbatch about a British businessman recruited by the Secret Intelligence Service to be a message conduit with a Russian spy. Based on true events in 1960s when tensions between the east and west were pushed to breaking point. Sound familiar?

I have a few more teddy bear orders to post out tomorrow. These ones are the white t-shirt teddies with Life of Mique. Some fuchsia hoodies should be arriving this week, so I can make them available again. Still no blue unfortunately. I did also receive an enquiry about doing a new teddy for another fundraising cause in memory of a recently deceased member of the bowel cancer community. This might not happen for a while, but I am always happy to try and help if I can x

It’s been the most glorious sunny weekend in Berkshire. Prince even got quite warm in the car today and it’s still only February! It makes such a difference when you can get outside in the sunshine. I believe rain is forecast for tomorrow, so that isn’t going to be much fun at work…

I haven’t spoken much recently about my mental health. I suppose basically because I am still feeling good and in a much better place. The current Ukraine situation is a triggering worry for me, but I am probably no different to the vast majority of people in this regard. I am thinking about dating again at the moment, but I have no possibilities on that front at the moment, so with my CBT tools I am managing to not to feel anxious about that. I think at some point soon I will go into being single and my loneliness a little more, but not until I feel ready. Until tomorrow x