Mum with Prince and Strom in 2015

I’ve been wondering what to say about Mother’s Day. Like anyone who no longer has their mum it is a day of mixed emotions with happy memories with a helping of sadness thrown in. Neither Mum or Dad were ones for having a fuss made of these kind of occasions, so if I am honest this was never a massive day for Mum. Perhaps after Dad died it became a bit more of day for the family. I think, and I know it’s a bit of a cliché, that we (the children) tried to do our best every day and not just on this one day a year.

I’ve always considered myself to have been very fortunate to have been brought up in a very happy family environment, and I know all three of us children had wonderful and close relationships with our parents. I worked with Dad for 25 years until his death in 2009, and perhaps it was the years that followed when I became as close to Mum as I ever had. I use to enjoy our conversations, especially the ones we had when I used to drive her up to my sister and niece. She would assure me and give me confidence that everything would be ok. Perhaps in recent times I have missed that more than I perhaps have realised.

I’m in a good place at the moment, and I wasn’t worried that today would be any kind of triggering moment for me. I miss both my parents every day, and there will always be a time during each day when I think of them. Today I have seen many happy posts of people celebrating with their mums, and yes plenty of posts where people miss their mums especially today. And that is ok and no-one should ever worry what others think of how they show their love for their parents whether they are still are here or not x

It’s always difficult to know what photo of Mum to choose. I took this photo of her with Storm and Prince in Cumbria on her last visit to see her wonderful friends Jack and Maura in 2015. Me and Prince are in the same boat, as Storm was his mum, and she sadly died almost 5 years ago. Until tomorrow x