Today is Prince’s 13th birthday, and anyone who knows his history will know that I celebrate this and every day that he is still here enjoying a very happy life. In November 2017, just a few months after his mum Storm died of lymphoma, Prince was diagnosed with seven slipped discs and damage to his spinal chord. This was done at the Supervets and the vet there gave Prince two months to two years life expectancy. An operation was just about feasible but Prince was nine and there was the quality of life he would have afterwards to consider, so we decided against the operation and with the help of regular physio sessions to manage the condition, which has proved to be the correct decision time and time again. This meant no more jumping or going up and down stairs. I put a stairgate in at home and for over four years now me and Prince have slept on the living room floor on a mattress. I’d never have believed I would end up doing that one night! I lift him in and out of the car, and although he has little idea of what his back legs are doing he has learnt how to walk again without scaping his back feet. The first year was quite nervy as I was always worried of doing something that might make his condition worse. However, as time has gone on and we have got to know his condition and understand what works and what doesn’t things have just become second nature. He has flourished and continues to defy the prognosis, and is now well into his 5th year since being diagnosed. He brings me so much joy and happiness every day. We really are the very best friends. Hopefully he will be around for a long time to come. Until tomorrow x