Today has been pretty special and monumental. A couple of days ago I was talking about how awful bowel cancer is and how Monique Buckingham, aged just 26, has been told there are no more treatment options available for her on the NHS. Monique’s family have launched a Go Fund Me page to raise money to fund the possible treatments out there not provided by the NHS. Last night, pretty much on the spur on the moment, I thought that I might be able to help raise some funds by selling a special teddy bear. Monique is on Instagram as @thelifeofmique, so after having contacted three of my trusted friends in the bowel cancer community who know Monique, I came back to the obvious name for the teddies, Life Of Mique. I also sent Monique a message asking her if it was ok to do this. All profits raised from sales of the teddies will be donated to the Go Fund Me page.

This morning, the first thing that happened was, I got the most lovely response from Monique, who is really poorly in hospital at the moment. She then posted about the teddies on her Instagram page, and from that moment on my phone has been pinging all day long with order after order. In 10 years of fundraising, which have involved some pretty special moments, this ranks right up there with anything. I have never known anything like it. I would normally get perhaps 20 website views a day, and I think my best ever has been just under 400 in one single day. Over 1500 today and it’s not over yet.

What this support today quite clearly shows to me is the completely high regard that Monique is held by those close to her and the wider cancer community. So much love out there for this young lady. The Go Fund Me page is almost at £60,000 and is aiming for £200,000. The amount raised today by the bears is pretty amazing. There are so many kind and very generous people out there. I’ll be updating the amount raised as and when I add it to the Go Fund Me page in the next few days once all the money is in. Let’s just say it’s a lot more than a tenner! And please if you are able to buy a bear I know Monique will be very grateful. I and so many others are sending Monique lots of love and keeping everything crossed that alternative treatments can be found that will work for her x

There is nothing much to add about today. It will no doubt live long in the memory. Until tomorrow x