Today was the longest day I have had out on the road since before the pandemic. I used to love my days out driving and there was a time when I would regularly be out all day. These days I have to think about the best use of my time as far as the business goes, and even before the recent fuel price increases I will look at the most economically viable way to send orders out. All this means that I tend to spend less time out driving. However, today was one of those days when it paid to do the run myself. Three decent deliveries to the West Midlands and Northamptonshire, plus a collection from a supplier. By combining it into one trip I’ve saved on transport costs in a big way and the profit from today was very healthy indeed.

It’s been quite challenging this summer with the intense heat as to taking Prince out with me on trips. Usually I can leave him quite happily at work, but today I knew I would be gone for too long. The forecast wasn’t too bad as far as the temperature goes, so I decided we would just go for it. Prince gets pretty warm, so it meant blasting out the air conditioning especially on the motorway driving, which meant I was bloody freezing! 🤣 But it was successful as for the most part Prince stayed nice and cool and enjoyed his day out. Once we got off the motorway and went into deepest Northamptonshire, we went through some lovely scenic villages and stopped in one to give Prince a pit stop.

It was nice to be back out on the road again. Even the transport niggles that crept up were kind of nice reminders of the kind of days out that used to be so much more regular. A 5 mile diversion that hit us when we were 100 yards from one of our destinations! Arriving at a prison and being made to wait, but compensated by the fact we went through the Ronnie Barker main entrance! All the time running the business from my phone. I finally could relax when we got back just after 4.00pm. Tomorrow is a new day x