15th Anniversary of Losing Dad

15 years ago today, June 15th 2009, we lost Dad. It was the day when everything changed. It’s a long time ago now. The sadness never goes away, but the all consuming grief has been replaced by acceptance and importantly the strong loving bond endures unbroken. If Dad was alive today he would have been

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Show 16

Show 16 could only start this week with a song from The Alarm. The recent news about Mike Peters fighting cancer once again has been a shock to many and he is very much in our thoughts. I will be playing plenty more music by him as his treatment progresses. Without A Fight is totally apt for the moment and is taken from The Alarm’s Under Attack album.

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Show 15

The news broke after I had already recorded Show 15 that Mike Peters of The Alarm has a new cancer fight on his hands. He has lived with leukaemia for 29 years, and a new lump and progression has left him with a very tough time ahead.

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Show 14

Show 14 is kind of split down the middle with old classics and new tunes. The question is do you class tracks from 2006/07, of which there are a few in this week’s show, as old classics? I thought it was about time to have something by The Stone Roses on the show and a great song to start the show with.

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Show 13

This week with Show 13 it’s been a week of musical discovery, hopefully for you and most definitely for me

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Show 12

This week with Show 12 we have a great mix of guitar music spanning almost the last 50 years . A great start to the show with The Courteneers followed by the stunning Carbon Silican, which features two musical legends in Mick Jones and Tony James.

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Show 11

Show 11 and we’re back on the guitar anthems with a bang. Some big hitting bands with I suppose some less obvious choice of tracks by them.

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Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Today marks the start of bowel cancer awareness month. 30 day to raise awareness about this awful disease. I will be doing my bit during April and hopefully raising a few pennies at the same time. This year I will hopefully keep a good balance. So, whilst not ignoring loss and the devastation and pain this disease can cause, I will also focus on some of amazing people that I have become friends with and their inspirational stories. Remember, know your own body and if symptoms persist go and checked by your GP x

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