May 2023

In May I began to think about doing a new Fields of Dawn album. The first album had taken two and a half years to put together. With this one I was thinking 12-18 months with maybe a release towards the end of 2024.

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April 2023

April being bowel cancer awareness month saw the release from Fields of Dawn of The Final Post EP. This very special release supported Bowel Cancer UK, The Bowel Movement and Bowel Cancer Australia.

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March 2023

March began with some live music with a hometown gig for The Vapors which also celebrated lead singer Dave Fenton’s 70th birthday.

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February 2023

February was a quiet month. No Valentine’s cards as always 🤣 and I celebrated my 57th birthday. The years seem to be racing by! I spent February writing and recording The Final Post EP. The idea had kind of been sown in my mind when I went to Llandudno at the end of January.

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January 2023

The year could not have started on a more sad note. The death of Nicole Cooper came as a terrible shock. 2022 had been a difficult year for her with her health and ongoing treatment for bowel cancer, but I hadn’t seen the devastating news coming at all.

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Fields of Dawn… The End?

It may seem a little odd to talk about the end of Fields of Dawn with the forthcoming album being released on New Years Day. However, there are some reasons behind my reasons for calling time on this particular musical venture. Fields of Dawn has been going for almost 4 years and raised around £3000

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November 25th marked 11 years of my fundraising and raising awareness about bowel cancer. I would never have guessed when my Beating Bowel Cancer book was published 25/11/2012 that 11 years on I would still be here pushing the fundraising as hard as ever and receiving the continued phenomenal support from the most amazing supporters, who more importantly have become my friends x The impact this has had on my own life cannot be understated – it really has been life-changing.

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Laura Hopkinson

April sees a brand new music release dedicated to the memory of Laura Hopkinson with 100% of the profits raised by every sale donated to MacMillan and St Oswald’s Hospice. These two charitable organisations, chosen by Laura’s family, provided her with great help and support.

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Jen McEntee

Another young life lost to bowel cancer. Jen McEntee sadly died on October 27th aged just 35 years old. I knew Jen on social media following her @irish_bowel_cancer_journey account on Instagram. She was doing an amazing amount of raising awareness about bowel cancer documenting her own journey. Her bowel cancer story is all too familiar being a young person whose symptoms were ignored for way too long.

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Destination Unknown Track by Track

I thought it would be interesting to run through the album track by track giving an insight into how the album came and what the songs are about. My initial plan was to perhaps write an record an album over the course of a year to 18 months similar to the last album. I certainly

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