
The Adventures of Gift a Bear – Part 1

Kindly written by and used with the permission of Ellis Meredith-Owen. Thanks Ellis!

Buddy, Honey, Trooper and Cuddles were Bears, Who made sure that everything was shared. Buddy made sure he was everyone’s friend, Honey’s was sweet, on that you can depend, Trooper was athletic, always full of beans, Cuddles liked to sleep, snore and dream.

Once upon a bright new morning, All four bears woke up and were yawning, “Wakey, wake Rise and shine!” Trooper yelled, Cuddles mumbled “It’s too early, can’t you tell”

Honey said “Can’t we stay in bed?” Buddy winked at Trooper, got up and made breakfast instead.

The house was filled with wonderful smells, Of Pancakes, of toast, of porridge as well, Buddy said “It’s a shame, all this food for just us two” Trooper said loudly, “I don’t think we can eat all this food.” Quick as a flash, Honey appeared at the table, Followed by Cuddles, as fast as he is able.

Buddy and Trooper looked at each other and the room filled with laughter, But if you want to know what the bears will do after, There’s just enough time for me to say, That’s another story for another day.

You can now gift a teddy bear in a blue hoodie to an organisation or individual of your choice and also choose which charity you would like the profits raised by your purchase donated to. In the next few weeks the bears will be heading to a children’s hospice as well as some individuals. There are four bears in blue hoodies to choose from Buddy, Honey, Cuddles and Trooper. They can be sent directly to a recipient of your choice or to your own address if you prefer.