
Fields of Dawn has come a long way as a musical entity since its inception at the start of 2020. Barely had it begun when the pandemic struck, which perhaps in a bizarre way possibly helped with it gaining people’s attention. The wonderful Goodbye Farewell EP was the release that really took the idea to a new level followed up by the On The Way Back single produced by Steve ‘Smiley’ Barnard of The Alarm. The first three years have seen over £2500 raised for various cancer charities by the musical t-shirts and a few t-shirts along the way. I’ve pushed it pretty hard. No sooner has one release finished its natural course then a new idea and release comes to the fore. I’m ever so grateful for the continued support the releases have enjoyed.

After the release last year of the debut album, A New Dawn, my intention was to take 2023 off and give everyone a break for a while. As is always the way events transpired, namely the tragic deaths of Nicole Cooper and Monique Buckingham to bowel cancer, and the idea for The Final Post was born. It has been such a rewarding release to put together and I have no regrets about doing it.

In the past I might have posted something along the lines of, is now the time to perhaps call time on Fields of Dawn? Issues such as insecurities can always plague me. However, I have absolutely loved making music again after so many years away. The creative side of song writing and the fundraising continues to give me real purpose. There’s no way I could call time on Fields of Dawn and there is so much more to do I feel.

What I am going to do though is take a natural break at this point. Firstly I need to write some new songs and I want them to be as good, if not better than the music of the first three years. Also, I do feel it is fair to give everyone a break from the releases and not abuse that support x I’ve created a new Fields of Dawn facebook page, which I would love you to follow if you can and participate in. Finally, my other musical interest, The Majority, will have more new music out at some point, so the focus will turn to that for a while.

I still have some CDs left of the above releases. It’s always so difficult to know how many to order and I have a habit of over-ordering! I’ve also listed the Vinyl LP of A New Dawn. I took the plunge and ordered 100 of these, as the price difference between 50 and 100 was minimal, meaning that the profit per vinyl sold was much better. This meant the charities did a lot better, but it hit me harder in the pocket. There are still around 50 of the vinyl left and I’d love to sell a few more of these if I can. It looks and sounds terrific! Thanks for your support, and please pick up a CD and / or the vinyl if you are able to x

Please keep streaming Fields of Dawn music on all the usual platforms and I looking forward to presenting new Fields of Dawn music at some point in the future x