
Fields of Dawn – Goodbye Farewell Original Version:

There is one additional version of Goodbye Farewell available to purchase as a digital download, which is the original version by Fields of Dawn. You can buy it for just £0.99 from You can also find it on streaming platforms just search Goodbye Farewell by Fields of Dawn.

This version was built upon the very rough demo that I sent out to the wonderful artists who contributed tracks to the 4-track EP. For the Fields of Dawn version I decided to stick to a recording formula that I was comfortable with i.e. an up tempo guitar version, so it is certainly very different to the tracks on the EP. I hope you like it…

So far £250 has been raised by the Goodbye Farewell EP for Bowel Cancer UK, and hopefully some additional sales of this standalone track might add a little more to the total.

I began writing Goodbye Farewell at the beginning of 2020. Mum, who had died of bowel cancer in 2016, was the inspiration. I got a bit stuck, so decided to leave the song until another time. In June, Kelly Smith died of bowel cancer aged just 31, and at that point I picked up the song again and finished it off, and with Kelly’s mum’s blessing I’ve dedicated it to her. The song lyrics are not specific to my experience though, and are about saying goodbye to someone.

Kelly featured in my charity book released last year called The Record. She’d told me her story, and she was always helping others and raising awareness about bowel cancer, and trying to prevent others going through what she was. She also wrote the quite wonderful foreword for the book. Kelly was one of life’s brightest shining lights, a beautiful soul inside and out, and an amazing inspiration to many.

The Goodbye Farewell EP has four versions of the song recorded by different artists. Carol Hodge, KirbyWalsh, Steve Webster and Jason Bradley / Mike Dlugozima. Every one involved gave up their time to be involved in the project, and the end result is quite brilliant. All profits raised are donated to Bowel Cancer UK. The EP is available on CD and digital download exclusively from

Bowel cancer claims 16,000 lives in the UK, and is the second biggest cancer killer. However if caught early at stage 1 it is very treatable, and the five year survival rate is over 90%. When detected at the late stage 4 the five year survival rate drops dramatically to 7%. This shows how crucial early diagnosis is to getting a better outcome. Knowing the symptoms is so important.