April is bowel cancer awareness month, and my musical project Fields of Dawn has released a special 2-track single to help raise awareness about bowel cancer, and also funds for Bowel Cancer UK. This video of “You”, one of the featured tracks, features bowel cancer patients, families and friends who are helping me to raise awareness about this awful disease. My mum died of bowel cancer in 2016.

Bowel cancer is second biggest cancer killer in the UK with 16,000 lives lost to it each year. 41,000 people are diagnosed every year and if diagnosed at an early stage it is very treatable. It is vital that we know the symptoms and go to our GP if we have any concerns.

The symptoms of bowel cancer can include:

  • Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo
  • A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit 
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
  • A pain or lump in your tummy

I wrote both the new tracks during March, and at forefront of my mind was how inspiring, supportive and bloody amazing the bowel cancer community is and I have made some wonderful friendships over the last 9 years. The two songs are about love and positivity and might not win a BRIT award but I’ve put 110% into making this as good as possible. You can order the single below and it is available on CD, Download and a very special 7″ Vinyl. All profits are donated Bowel Cancer UK.

The reaction so far has been wonderful, and the release has certainly got the support of the bowel cancer community and is doing it’s bit to help raise awareness. All sales really are appreciated, and if this release matches the previous ones then it will have done really well. I always try to come up with something imaginative for my fundraising efforts as opposed to simply asking for donations. I hope that this record is worth a few quid of your hard earned cash x