I realised this morning that the teddy bears have raised around £2000 for various charities and campaigns so far this year. This is all down to the kindness and generosity of so many of you. It is mind blowing really, and in times where the world can be quite a scary place, it is good to know that there are so many wonderful people still out there. The year began with the Gift-A-Bear idea which allows you to buy a teddy and then tell me to which charity you want the profits donated to. The Life of Mique bears came about totally unplanned, but when I saw Monique Buckingham’s post about the end of NHS treatment for her bowel cancer, I just felt that I would like to do something to help her Go Fund Me page. £1300 has now been raised which is a testament to how much love there is out there for this amazing young lady x On the back of this I was asked if I might be able to create some bears for the fundraising campaign set up by Laura Kendrick who recently died of bowel cancer. These bears are now beginning to be sent out and they have raised almost £400 so far. I have to admit that as well as being a brilliant fundraising achievement which I am so proud about, it has also given me a massive boost personally. Please keep the support coming… Until tomorrow x