£1200 now raised for The Bowelbabe Fund by the Bowelbabe Teddy Bears. Thank you so much for all the amazing support, it really has left me at a loss for words, but everyone who has kindly supported the teddies has my deep gratitude. I didn’t expect the bears to raise this much, and I am certainly not going to set any target goals. Every sale has counted and played its own important part x

The photos of the bears have kept on coming in too, and these play a important part in keeping the momentum going. There is also the opportunity for everyone to take the bears on new adventures and keep raising awareness about The Bowelbabe Fund and bowel cancer itself.

All profits raised from every sale are donated, which means after the cost of the bears, postage, and any fees, that a minimum of £9 from each teddy sold goes to the fund and it can be over £12 if I can hand deliver or if people buy more than one bear x

What Dame Debs has achieved over the last 5 years is amazing, and the amount raised since she announced being on end of life home hospice care is testament to the love and affection she is held in by so many people. Lots of love to Debs and her family xx

I put up a reel earlier today on Instagram about deleting WhatsApp messages from people who have decided that they no longer want me in their lives. For anyone who reads all the blog posts you will know that friendships is something that I have been talking about quite a bit in these posts recently. The thought about deleting old conversations has been on my mind for a while. Today I thought f&%k it! These old conversations are serving no purpose, and if anything they hold me back. I can’t change the past, and I want to live in the present and look forwards. Lord knows I am not perfect, but I also know that I am pretty decent human being who does his best to be kind to the people that come into my life. I know that some friendships will come and go, and also that I have no right to expect everyone to like me and that people can change how they feel about me. However, by letting go of these old messages, I am letting go of the past and I am feeling pretty proud of myself for doing that. I feel like I have allowed a weight to be lifted, and for someone who is prone to anxiety from overthinking and self analysis, this is such a positive step away from those pitfalls. I want to put my energy into the many wonderful friendships that I do have in my life x

I hope everyone has enjoyed a nice weekend, and it’s a nice short three-day working week before the bank holiday. It’s also my work year-end on Tuesday, and another financial year is ticked off and thankfully the business has lived another year. I am sure I will be talking more about that on Tuesday 😊