Click on the Spotify logo to listen to the
Play List
Click on the Amazon logo to listen to the Play List

These playlists on Spotify and Amazon contain the first records that people have kindly chosen to have included in my new bowel cancer charity for a £1 donation. There is still time to add your record to this list and be part of the book, and all additions will be added to the play lists. Nearer publication date I will also compile another play list of the first records of people featured in the book.

There are so many wonderful tracks here to listen to. One of the songs on the list is the first record of two people. One of the songs was played as we left the church at the end of Mum’s funeral. I own quite a few of the records, but some came as complete surprise.

A couple of the songs are not available on streaming services, so I have had to use inferior versions once or twice. And Matt Saunders has completely beaten the system hands down with his first record!

Have a listen and enjoy, and why not join in the fun, and help raise awareness about bowel cancer.

Why not tell me the first record that you bought and have your name and the record included in the forthcoming bowel cancer charity book, The Record. The £1 cost will be donated to Bowel Cancer UK.