Gillian Wood

Gillian Wood, currently recovering from bowel cancer, is the latest person I’ve met for the The Record – my forthcoming fundraising book for Bowel Cancer UK. Although “met” is not strictly true. The original plan had been for me to go up to Scotland to meet her, but unfortunately the trip had to be postponed, so we had to be a little creative, and instead had an hour long video call on Facebook. It worked brilliantly, and my plan is to make the trip to see Gillian once the book is published.

We talked at length about Gillian’s life before and after cancer. She has had a very difficult couple of years, but is doing really well at the moment. In fact today her latest CT scan results showed her to be clear of cancer. She recently had a stoma reversal, and her bowel is taking a while to settle down and behave properly.

Gillian is a massive David Bowie fan, although her first record is by a different artist, which will be revealed in the chapter in the book. I actually first came into contact with Gillian through a fellow fan of The Alarm, Cathi Simpson, and Gillian and Cathi regularly go to see the band when they play in Scotland.

Gillian has been a terrific supporter of my fundraising endeavours, and is pictured here wearing a Stop Bowel Cancer t-shirt. She actually bought two, and has also bought books, wristbands, and teddy bears from my shop on

I am hoping to publish The Record in the spring. I am coming towards the end of my meetings and photography, and will pretty soon start to prepare the book for publication.