Today sees the launch of the gorgeous Stop Bowel Cancer Teddy Bears, which are helping to raise awareness about bowel cancer. The bears cost £10.99 including P&P, and all proceeds raised from sales will be donated to Bowel Cancer UK.
The idea is for everyone to take the bear to all of your favourite places, and then take a photo to raise awareness. All the photos I receive will be posted on this blog and on my bowelcancerfundraising facebook page. The other thing I will be doing, and hope perhaps sppme others will is to send the bear on a journey. Once you have taken a photo with the bear send it on to someone else to do the same, and see where the bear goes to next?
So who should I send a bear to to start its journey???
Bowel cancer is the 2nd highest cancer killer in the UK. 16,000 people die each year. However, if detected early, it can be successfully treated in over 90% of cases. I fundraise in memory of my mum who died from bowel cancer in 2016.
A big thanks to Jocelyn at DMI Embroidery for her help and support in producing the bears at cost price.