I was delighted to get Victoria Derbyshire to be part of The Record. The journalist and broadcaster, who has her daily morning programme on BBC Two, has come through breast cancer, and wrote the moving and excellent Dear Cancer Love Victoria, which was based on the diaries she kept during her treatment.
We met back in the summer of 2017, and Victoria couldn’t have been more helpful in making our meeting happen, and chose a location that saved me having to make my way into Central London. During our chat Victoria wanted to know all about my book, and especially about Mum and her bowel cancer. Victoria still found it very emotional and difficult to talk about her own cancer experience, but she was full of fun as well, and I was immediately at ease in her company.
I was to meet Victoria one more time, which was at the Henley Literary Festival a few months later where she gave a fascinating and entertaining talk about her book, and I got my copy signed with a lovely message of encouragement.
After two and a half years work The Record is now available to buy from my rivers2cross.com website, and all online book retailers. The book features my meetings with many famous people from television, sport, and music, as well as some quite amazing and inspirational affected by bowel cancer. Everyone featured in the book has told me about the first record that they bought, and Victoria’s is one of the most iconic number songs of the early 1980s.
All proceeds raised by sales of the book are being donated to Bowel Cancer UK in memory of my mum who died of bowel cancer in August 2016. Victoria has continued to support and encourage me, and recently sent me the great photo of her with The Record.