60+ Years of Henley Regatta

For those that don’t know our family has a long standing association with Henley Royal Regatta of over 60 years going back to the mid 1950s when Dad rowed at the regatta for Maidenhead Rowing Club. Mum was born in Henley at The Sun Inn pub in Henley (now offices) in 1936, so there has

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Amazing Support For The Record From The Alarm

Having followed The Alarm for over 35 years I set my sights to trying to get Smiley, Jules and James from the band to be in The Record. It took me about two years for it to happen, but I managed to get them for the new bowel cancer charity book, which is out now dedicated to the memory of my mum who died of this awful disease in 2016.

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The Record Publication Day

June 21 was the official publication date of The Record. It has been an incredibly long journey bringing the book together from the decision to do do it shortly after Mum’s death, to its finished state. It’s without doubt one of the best things I’ve ever done, something I feel very proud and passionate about.

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