
I was thrilled when the legend that is Basil Brush agreed to be in The Record. I got to meet and speak to Basil at The Theatre Royal in Windsor in December 2017 where he was starring in Sleeping Beauty.  There was a bowel cancer connection for this chapter, as sadly Basil’s creator Ivan Owen died of this awful disease in 2000. I was very grateful to the Jonathan Owen for setting up the meeting with Basil, and allowing me to use it in the book. Special thanks also to Mike Winsor, the voice of Basil, for being absolutely brilliant and a great help. He gave me a tour of the theatre where we did the photos, and then did a brilliant interview with Basil in the dressing room. His first record is a cracker!

The Record is out now, and has so far raised over £600 for Bowel Cancer UK. The book features my meetings with people (and a fox) from television, sport, music, comedy, as well some hugely inspirational people from the bowel cancer community. I wrote the book in memory of my mum who died of bowel cancer in 2016. Bowel cancer is the second biggest cancer killer in the UK with 16,000 lives lost every year. However, if detected early bowel cancer can be successfully treated in over 90% of cases, so raising awareness about this awful disease is so very important to help prevent others going through what Mum went through.

The Record is available from and all good online retailers including Amazon.

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