#14 Reindeer Meeting Mike Peters

Gina Irlam took Sergio, her #14 Love Hope Strength Reindeer, to the Mike Peters Hurricane Of Change concert in Darwen, Lancashire. She managed to get a photo with Mike, which now makes three of these fundraising reindeer to be photographed with Mike, the lead singer with The Alarm, who also co-founded Love Hope Strength, and someone who has lived with cancer for over 20 years.

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I tend to do a lot of posts about the people who feature in my books. These incredible people take centre stage, but let’s ease them to one side for a moment, and talk about another very important group of people who are the friends that I’ve made as a result of my fundraising.

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Bill Turnbull – The First Record That I Bought

The reason why Bill and everyone in the book is taking part is to help raise funds for Bowel Cancer UK, and to help raise awareness about this awful disease. My Mum died of bowel cancer in August 2016, having been first been diagnosed with cancer back in 2012. Bowel cancer claims 16,000 lives each year, making it the second highest cancer killer in the UK. Yet if detected early it can be successfully treated in over 90% of cases.

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Idea For A Fundraising Event

It’s over seven years since Mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer, and my fundraising journey began. To date around £10,000 has been raised. Mum’s death in 2016 has only served to drive me on with the fundraising and raising awareness. In 2020 I am hoping to concentrate on fundraising at events. The idea being that

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