
A year ago I travelled into London to meet with the BBC political presenter and journalist Nick Robinson. He currently presents The Today Programme on Radio 4, which means him getting up at 3.30am! We met late morning when he managed to find time for me in between a post radio show gym workout, and heading off to Westminster to continue work on something called Brexit – I wonder whatever happened to that! Nick was terrific, and couldn’t have been more helpful in answering all my questions, and making sure I got all the information I was after. His first record is a good one, and we talked about his career, his own cancer illness, and a little bit about the man away from the BBC. It’s another great chapter in the book, which is available from and all good online retailers. It come in paperback, hardback and as an eBook. To see all the ways to buy the book please click here.

I wrote the The Record written in memory of my mum who died in 2016 from bowel cancer after living with this awful illness for over four years. Bowel cancer is the second highest cancer killer in the UK. 16,000 people die every year, and yet if detected early at stage 1 it can be successfully treated in over 90% of cases. This figure drops to just 7% when detected at the late stage 4, so it’s crucial that early diagnosis rates are improved to increase survival rates. At the moment only 15% of patients with bowel cancer are diagnosed at stage 1.

Please check out the rivers2cross online shop for plenty of great items that are raising funds for Bowel Cancer UK.