Television Presenter Matt Allwright

I met television presenter Matt Allwright today for The Record, my forthcoming charity book supporting Bowel Cancer UK, which will be published during 2019. It was really nice talking to him about his career on television, and his passion for music. The first record that he bought is a cracker. We actually went to the same school in Reading at the same time, Blue Coats, although separated by a few years.

I am writing the book in memory of my mum who died of bowel cancer in 2016 after living with this awful disease for over four years. Since her diagnosis in 2012 the fundraising figure is heading towards £10,000. This December my latest fundraising quest is #Decembeard, and I am attempting to grow a beard to raise more funds for the charity. All support of my justgiving page is greatly appreciated. Today is day 7, and as you can see from the selfie taken with Matt, it’s rather slow progress in terms of beard growth.

Bowel cancer is the second highest cancer killer in the UK. 16,000 people die each year. However, if detected early at stage 1 it can be successfully in over 90% of cases. This figure falls dramatically to just 7% when diagnosed at the late stage 4. At the moment only 15% of diagnosis are at stage 1, so it’s crucial to improve early detection to save lives.

Have a look at the online store at all the products I am selling to raise funds for Bowel Cancer UK.