
Chapter 13 in The Record features Steve Clark, who I spent a fascinating hour and a half with for the chapter in the book back in 2017. We both live in Reading, so arranging a meeting was easy, and Steve suggested The Herb Farm at Sonning Common. This was the first time I had been there, and as well as the plants it has a lovely café and gift shop, as well as the Saxon Maze where we did the photography.

Steve was diagnosed with  stage 4 bowel cancer in May 2013, and is doing some amazing work with his Strive For Five campaign, which as well as raising funds for Bowel Cancer UK has also marked his 5-year survival from this awful disease. The chapter talks about Steve’s illness, and his life before bowel cancer, and his life now. He has been incredibly supportive, and yet another inspirational figure I met while writing the book. The great news is that Steve currently has no evidence of disease. We met up again at The Herb Farm last summer when I handed over a copy of The Record to Steve.

Steve Clark with the bowel cancer tie

The Record was written in memory of my mum who died of bowel cancer in August 2016. All profits are donated to Bowel Cancer UK, and over £870 has been raised to date. I am hoping to reach £1000 during 2020. Click here to see all the ways to order a copy of the book.

The Record

Bowel cancer claims 16,000 lives in the UK, and is the second biggest cancer killer. However if caught early at stage 1 it is very treatable, and the five year survival rate is over 90%. When detected at the late stage 4 the five year survival rate drops dramatically to 7%. This shows how crucial early diagnosis is to getting a better outcome. Knowing the symptoms is so important.