The Bowel Bears Like Their Music

Here is #bowelbear Betty at Birmingham Town Hall attending the Holy Holy gig tonight. Taking the bears to gigs is a great way for getting decent photos with them. It will also be fascinating to see just how many gigs the bears can get to… Thanks so much to Lizzie Hulme for her support, and

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Bowel Cancer UK Parliamentary Reception

Last week I was honoured to be invited to attend the 2019 Bowel Cancer UK parliamentary reception at Westminster. It was a chance to meet some of the people that I have become friends with on social media, as well as to renew acquaintances with a few familiar faces I’ve already met including Deborah James,

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#BowelBear Dylan’s New Home In Germany

I had the pleasure of meeting Annette and Ulrik Thivissen in Llandudno at the weekend at the annual Gathering to see The Alarm. They travelled over from Germany, and picked up a #bowelbear who they have named Dylan. I have received a letter from Dylan describing his journey back to his new home in Germany.

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Feelings… The Book Preface

I was watching Silent Witness on TV this week, and part of the programme featured a scene where a woman died of sepsis. Then yesterday I was talking to Liv Rowlands for my book, and she told me she’d had sepsis while being treated for bowel cancer. This struck a powerful chord with me, as dad

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Gillian Wood Taking Part in Bowel Cancer Charity Book

Gillian Wood, currently recovering from bowel cancer, is the latest person I’ve met for the The Record – my forthcoming fundraising book for Bowel Cancer UK. Although “met” is not strictly true. The original plan had been for me to go up to Scotland to meet her, but unfortunately the trip had to be postponed, so

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Travelling Stop Bowel Cancer Bears

Bielsa #bowelbear has arrived in New Zealand with my brother, and immediately becomes the furthest travelled bear. They are currently at Beachlands close to Auckland. Taking the teddy bears on trips is a great way to raise awareness about bowel cancer with all the wonderful photo opportunities. I am hoping to receive many more photos

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The Record – Coming Soon

If everything goes to plan this spring will see the publication of The Record, my forthcoming charity book that is raising funds for Bowel Cancer UK in memory of my mum who died in 2016. I have met some amazing people for this book, with just a tiny selection displayed above in the photo, and I’m

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#bowelbear Vincent in Glasgow

Meet #bowelbear Vincent with no prizes for guessing where he is! He is owned by Kristine Smith, who has lost both her dad and father-in-law to bowel cancer. Kristine has named her bear Vincent after the Van Gogh, as she doesn’t think the #bowelbear has blessed with a huge amount in the ear department! Best

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Decembeard Final Couple of Days

As we enter the last 24 hours of Decembeard it’s time for an update. So far my page has raised £280, for which I am very grateful. I had such tremendous support for the skydive in the summer, it was not an easy decision to ask people to sponsor me again so soon afterwards.

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Mike Peters MBE

Congratulations to Mike Peters on being awarded an MBE. The frontman of The Alarm, who has lived with cancer for more than 20 years, has been recognised for his services to charity having raised thousands for cancer care projects in the UK and abroad, dedicating his life to giving hope for families affected by cancer

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